Friday, December 7, 2018

Rebecca Walk Cycle

My first attempt at animating Rebecca, and definitely not my last.

Dox 'nd George - July 25, 2011

Welcome to kitschy chain restaurant Wednesday O'Hennessey's, where Rebecca works as a waitress. Among the assorted knick-knacks on the wall are a Terrytoons poster, a Dan Gordon "Blunderbunny" comic page and some DiC cels (including a showering Robotnik from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog).

Dox 'nd George - May 23, 2011

Dox 'nd George - April 11, 2011

George 'nd Dox - April 1, 2010

Role reversal! And an embarrassingly dated G4 reference!

Dox 'nd George - February 22, 2010

Back in the mid-'00s, before the advent of YouTube, the internet was plagued with what I would describe as "Family Guy for '90s kids" webtoons. Young, budding animators would mimic what Seth MacFarlane was doing, but add more references to shows like Butt Ugly Martians. New Game Plus was my (admittedly late to the game) spoof of those series.

Couple of notes: "...neither of them has a job..." doesn't apply to DnG because I would end up making Dox a mechanic. Also, Dox's crotch is waaaay too high those last few panels.

Dox 'nd George - January 11, 2010

First appearance of bookstore employee Ken Sugii. He started off as a minor character then became another friend for George.

Oh and another one of George's gimmicks is that his shirt will have some sort of nerdy reference on it. In this case it's a Purple Parrots shirt from Legends of the Hidden Temple. Later on, I just started using weird quotes from internet videos.

Dox 'nd George - December 21, 2009

Question: Does the Human Fund exist in this universe if there are no humans?

About time we get to George Washington, the shy and nerdy Bernese Mountain Dog who shares a roof with Dox. My gimmick for George is that he almost always holds the same pose, a habit that formed after watching too many stiffly-animated Flash toons. Despite their bickering and the polar opposites in their outward appearances, Dox 'nd George are the best of friends.

Dox 'nd George - September 28, 2009

Here's Rebecca Spotzberg, Dox's energetic and fun-loving Dalmatian girlfriend. She can be just as rubbery as Dox and has a bit of a practical side (as seen above).

Dox 'nd George - July 27, 2009

Now that C&A's out of the way, let's move on to DnG! Here's Doxwell Maximilian "Dox" Hound, a dachshund with a slightly cynical mind inside a rubbery, Clampett/Avery cartoon body.

Cornflake & Aloisius - July 2, 2018

The battle of '80s vs. '90s reaches its illogical conclusion.

Small blunder: that Macho Man Randy Savage Slim Jim ad was from the '90s, so it shouldn't be in the '80s corner. Ah well, live and learn.

Cornflake & Aloisius - January 20, 2017

No comment.

Cornflake & Aloisius - '80s vs. the '90s

From Election Day 2016, and believe me, America definitely picked poison.