Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Headshot Collab 2 - Their Drawings

The drawings of Roy from Kevin Arsenault's headshot grid collab!

Kevin Arsenault (@eeyorbedgelord):

PythonTuna (@pythontuna):

Ninrobit (@ninrobit):

Redgrave (@necroticred):

Nina Marie Hartman (@zinzabee):

Will Carroll (@toonheadsfanatic):

Toad P. (@toadp):

Dewey (@duckdev):

PolaGear_Joe (@polygon-joe):

Jack Brulliea (@jawaddles):

Excellent work all around! Thank you again!

Headshot Collab 2 - My Drawings

The headshots I drew for Kevin Arsenault's headshot grid collab!

Emmiya J. Ward by Kevin Arsenault (@eeyorbedgelord):

Tuna by PythonTuna (@pythontuna):

Ms. Lovely Assistant by Ninrobit (@ninrobit):

Woody by Redgrave (@necroticred):

Khalid Irshad by Nina Marie Hartman (@zinzabee):

Peacemaker by Will Carroll (@toonheadsfanatic):

Jackie by Toad P. (@toadp):


Avery by Dewey (@duckdev):

Judy by PolaGear_Joe (@polygon-joe):

Iris Rosemary by Zeo (@irisrosebud):

Cindy by Jack Brulliea (@jawaddles):

HCHC Crew by André Luiz

I see four familiar faces at this fairground! Thank you very much, @quatrod!

Toon June 2023 Day 13: Bad Luck