Monday, December 10, 2018

Woodsboro Christmas 2014

Spoof of the old Christmas with the Chipmunks album cover.

Chelsea and Mel Enjoy Some Ice Cream

Steph Hop Cycle

Woodsboro - January 6, 2014

Candy Cane Chelsea

Woodsboro - October 28, 2013

Slylock Fawkes

Santa Fawkes

Woodsboro - August 27, 2012

Another strip from my "fake screentone" phase. The mouse (simply named A. Mouse) would become a semi-regular to the cast.

Side note: I'm still really proud of that "Orel I. Jean" dentist name pun.

Woodsboro - June 11, 2012

First Woodsboro strip with the limited color treatment.

Hideous Mel and Fawkes

Mel and Fawkes as designed by someone who's not allowed within 100 feet of an elementary school AN ANIMATION GENIUS™. Would you believe this drawing only cost $136,723 to make?

Woodsboro April Fools 2012

Woodsboro - January 30, 2012

Freezing Fawkes

Woodsboro - November 21, 2011

Chelsea Butts In

Chocolate Chip Chelsea

Woodsboro - November 7, 2011

And here's Mel O'Darrus, whose name is a tortured pun on "malodorous".

Woodsboro - April 18, 2011

Fawkes Fox is the perpetual loser in Woodsboro. Even in the rare instances when he succeeds, his happiness is short-lived. He's very anti-social, in an "I'm surrounded by idiots" sort of way.

Woodsboro - December 13, 2010

Woodsboro's probably my "gaggiest" strip. Light on characterization, heavy on the visual humor.

The characters above are Chelsea Rockwell (the raccoon) and Steph Pfeffer (the rabbit).