Saturday, December 8, 2018

Dox Goes Splat

He's resilient, that's for sure.

Dox 'nd George - June 22, 2015

Please note that this comic was made before a certain meme became tainted by fascists. You know which one.

Summer Drive

For Dox, it's either this or having zero headroom with the top up.

Dox 'nd George - May 4, 2015

The Evolution of Rebecca and George

Some of my characters have gone through lots of changes over the years:

Others, not so much:

Dox 'nd George - April 6, 2015

Valentine's 2015

Dox 'nd George - February 2, 2015

Dox 'nd George - January 5, 2015

Dox 'nd George - December 15, 2014

A wholesome Hanukkah comic.

Dox 'nd George - November 10, 2014

Dox 'nd George - September 29, 2014

Stargazing and silly sight gags.

Dox 'nd George - September 22, 2014

A new twist on an old classic.

Bonus trivia: Dox's phone number is Tex Avery's birthdate.


Dox 'nd George - August 18, 2014

Looking back now, I should have added some fake paper creases and fake worn edges to that poster, to give it more of a pretentious appearance.

Dox 'nd George - July 28, 2014

Hey guys...BEE MOVIE. I's Jerry Seinfeld...but he's voicing a cartoon bee! ARE YOU LAUGHING YET!?!?!?

Also I misspelled "millennials" in the first panel.

Dox 'nd George - June 2, 2014

The dog in middle was originally created for a college art project, and he ended up becoming a mascot of sorts for my cartoons.

Rebecca Changes

She makes unwinding after a tough day at work look easy.

Dox 'nd George - May 5, 2014

If I ever make a dreary, self-serious cartoon that causes dummies to say things like "OMG ALL THE FEELS" or "I DON'T THINK MY HEART CAN TAKE IT", then please smack me upside the head with a baseball bat, because I've obviously done something wrong.

Dox 'nd George - April 14, 2014

Dox Balloon

Rebecca Attitude Walks



Dox 'nd George - February 24, 2014

Dox 'nd George - February 3, 2014

mrw im able to see a speech balloon w/ an animated gif
[insert image of Dox's face from the last panel, blown up with heavy JPG artifacts and Photoshop filters]

Bonus animation of Dox getting the food:

Dox 'nd George - November 18, 2013

Dox Gets Hammered

Dox 'nd George - September 30, 2013

Rebecca Car Animation

She's quite pleased with the modifications Dox made.

Dox 'nd George - July 8, 2013

Dox 'nd George - April 22, 2013

Dox 'nd George - January 21, 2013

Remake of an earlier DnG strip. I was still trying to nail down the color scheme at this point.

Hanukkah Card 2011

Happy Hanukkah from Jacob, Myra, and Rebecca Spotzberg

Rebecca Roller

People who have seen my Kouka & Bibi animated short may recognize this gag.

Dox 'nd George - October 22, 2012

Even if you have zero interest in video games, fantasy novels, superhero comics, science fiction, Dungeons & Dragons, or anything else that people always associate with "geek culture" (a term I absolutely hate), you can still be nerdy about things. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Dox 'nd George - August 6, 2012

This comic's from a brief period in mid-2012 when I was experimenting with limited palettes and halftone dots. I would end up scrapping the halftone but kept the limited palettes.

Dox 'nd George - February 13, 2012

Dox working his shift at Gas & Get Out.

Dox 'nd George - January 16, 2012