Saturday, December 26, 2020

Twitter Odds and Ends

Character crafted from follower prompts.

Blu-Ray mock-up done for laughs. Which is more hideous: this or the DVNR in the actual Vol. 2?

Someone in the comments of DnG's April 18 strip tweeted that DnG was turning into C&A. Cornfl--I mean Dox took umbrage with that remark.

I asked my followers to give voice actor suggestions for my characters. A lot of interesting responses to that one!

And last, but definitely not least...

My Characters in Art Memes 2

Picking up where I left off last year...

George by Charles Brubaker:

Janessa by Kevin Arsenault:

Businesspoodle by Fausto Pontes:

Once again, thank you so much!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Kouka and Bibi in Other Characters' Clothes


I asked my Twitter mutuals to suggest of their characters' outfits for Kouka & Bibi to wear, mostly to break in Clip Studio Paint.

Soosan and Melvin by Joey (@sirjoeythe23rd)

Snopes and Ivy by Ian (@artzquez)

Sarah and Celie by Javier (@atroxchobatsu)

Trudy and Zoe by Richie (@smileyrichie)

Flash Gauntlet and Mipp by Anders (@seetherabbit)

Melissa and Roxanne by Kienan (@coffeeboij)

Koko and Merl by Charles (@bakertoons)

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Draw a Buncha Characters Art Meme 2

Another year, another character grid. Had a lot of fun doing this one.

Bubba by Fausto Pontes (@bridgeoffaust)
Renata by Thomas K. Dye (@projectionedge)
Roxanne by Kienan Jeary (@coffeeboij)
Miss Inky Dink by Kevin Arsenault (@eeyorbedgelord)
Kathy by Richie (@smileyrichie)
Fayla by Johnathan James Lee George (@jjlg92)
Pepper by Carson (@calicovision)
Helen by Lucy Cervera (@LuchitaPaint)

Monday, September 7, 2020

Fan Animation by Ian Vazquez

Remember that HCHC strip from a couple of weeks ago? @artzquez remembered, and was inspired to make this awesome animation with one of my one-offs!

The Interview by Ian Vazquez

When @artzquez's Devine Spaniels asks you what your biggest weakness is, don't say anything.

Bonus timid co-worker, originally from one of Ian's fan arts and used by me in a Businesspoodle comic: