Friday, October 7, 2022

Headshot Collab - My Drawings

Here are the headshots I drew for Charles Brubaker's headshot grid collab!

Brandy by Beeache (@itsbeeache):


Wilfreda Wintercaster by Maximiliano Baldo (@MegawackyMax):

KC by Fennic T. Fox (@FennictheFox):

Mute by Brandan S. (@imrachets):

Munchy by Scott Warren (@flipskip1/@CrunchyBunches):

Kaoru by Kaoru Greendrake (@kaorugreendrake):

Mipp by Anders K. Sekanina (@seetherabbit):

And Alegre by Robbie Allen (@PembrokeWKorgi):

I had a lot of fun working on these!

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